About US

About The Morningstar’s Shih Tzu human family:

My name is Lolita; I’m a stay-at-home mom homeschooling our three kids.
My husband, Ed, works as a truck driver. As a family, we have a soft spot for animals and even ran a mini pig rescue for almost six years after adopting our first pig, Link. Although the experience was fulfilling, we eventually decided to shut down the rescue.
A few years back, we had the pleasure of traveling with a shih tzu puppy that we were delivering to our dear friend. During the journey, we fell in love with the breed. After a few months, we consulted our friend, who is also a breeder and decided to add a Shih Tzu to our family. We were smitten with the Shih Tzu breed and wanted to share the joy it brings with others. That’s how our journey into breeding Shih Tzu began. I started researching and learning all I could about breeding. I spoke to other breeders, completed the Avid Dog and Good Dog courses, and even took an online grooming course to keep our puppies and adult dogs well-groomed. I’m committed to adapting our breeding program to improve the health of our puppies and breeding adults. I’m constantly learning and striving to be the best breeder I can be and will continue to learn to improve the health and wellness of our puppies and adult dogs. I’m fortunate to have a great mentor and friend by my side.
Our family is committed to our breeding program, with each member contributing in various ways. Zoey, our eldest daughter, is an excellent photographer who enjoys capturing puppies and dogs in their best light. She also takes charge of bathing most of the dogs. Alex, our 18-year-old son, manages our Instagram page, assists with the daily care of the dogs, and keeps their nails clipped. Our youngest daughter, Sophia, helps socialize the puppies and enjoys singing to them.

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